Monday 22 December 2014

SK-II Facial Treatment Essence Review

Hello there, it's Mari here with another review! My gorgeous friend requested me to do this review sooo here it is! I've been using this product for about 6 months so I think I've had enough time to voice my opinions.

Sooo what it is? SK-II Facial Treatment Essence is kind of like a skin booster after you apply your toner and before you apply your other skin care. Is it really necessary to use this very expensive yet highly raved product? Read on to find out!

It comes in a glass-like bottle. I bought it as a set so the box is bigger. This is the 75ml bottle, I believe the 215ml bottle comes with a pump.

Be very careful when you travel with it as it could shatter into a million pieces! I've taken this on a trip before but I preferred to keep it in the box just to be safe (>__<)

When you pour it on your hand, the opening has some sort of a stopper so only drops of it will come out, so don't worry, you won't accidentally pour half of the bottle on to your hand :D

If it wasn't for the smell I'd think it was water!

I've read reviews on the scent and a lot of people were bothered by it. It smells sour but it really doesn't bother me that much. It goes away after it sets into your skin

You can apply it with a cotton pad and PAT it (yes pat, not wipe) on your face. Another method is to pour some on your hands and pat it onto your face. I prefer the latter because it wastes less product ahahahaha *cheapskate*

I've used it for about 6 months and I still have some left. But for the effects that I got for the price, I'd say that I'm spending a bit too much for it as there are a lot more products valued for less but give extra results.

When I pat it onto my skin, it absorbs quickly and leaves a matte finish. My skin felt plump, lightly moisturized and soft. There are days when I forget to put this on and I've noticed a huge difference, my skin would feel rougher and oilier than usual. It controls oil very well and brightens your face but sadly it doesn't brighten my acne scars :( It will however, give your skin a healthy glow and reduce redness. I remember waking up one morning expecting it to be sooo oily, but when I looked in the mirror it wasn't! My face was matte, smooth, soft and had this glow where it looked very healthy!

And as for my acne, I guess it helped a little by reducing redness but not the size of it. It's good for preventing acne but not healing it :( I've read that you can use this to reduce the size of your pimples by pouring some on a cotton pad and pressing it onto the pimple and just leave it there for a couple of hours. But it didn't work for me (-___-) I had high hopes for it to clear my acne but alas, it's still here.

Buuut on the other hand, it improves my skin texture! I could see that the deep pitted acne scars on my face is healing and the sunken parts are more even.

Give this product a month before you expect any results. I couldn't tell any differences in the first two weeks but after that, you'll notice subtle effects. I didn't breakout or purge using this product so that's a plus! I've heard some people were purging, but it stopped after a week and they were basically gone. So for people who have sensitive skin out there, I suggest you buy a sample first and test it on only one small area of your face, rather than putting it all over.

Sooo to sum it up the pros are:
- no purging
- no breakouts
- absorbs quickly
- controls oil very well
- reduces redness
- makes skin soft, smooth and plump
- brightens and evens out skin tone
- gives a "glow"
- evens out skin texture

And the cons are:
- expensive
- does not heal acne for me

Overall, I like this product and would repurchase. It gives my skin extra nutrients and helps it become more healthy. I'd say It's not really necessary in your skincare routine if you want to heal your acne, but it does help a little.

Hope my review helps! Any other products you want me to review?


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